Free Portfolio Optimization Tools for Every Investor

Optimize your investment portfolio using Nobel laureate William Sharpe's time-tested strategies.

Plus, access essential tools for portfolio analysis and investment planning.

Build Your Perfect Portfolio

Design and manage custom investment portfolios without any cost. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, our user-friendly interface makes portfolio creation seamless and accessible.

Optimize with Intelligence

Leverage advanced portfolio optimization tools to fine-tune your investment strategy. Our sophisticated algorithms help you balance risk and return according to your investment goals.

Track Performance with Precision

Compare your portfolio's performance against market benchmarks across any timeframe - from month-to-date to 10-year historical views. Easily visualize returns through interactive charts and analyze key performance metrics like Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, and other risk-adjusted measures to understand how well your investments are truly performing.

Invest with Confidence

Transform your investment strategy into action with our smart calculator. Instantly determine the exact dollar amounts needed for each stock in your portfolio, making rebalancing and new investments effortless.

Our Mission

At FolioWise, we believe that understanding your investment performance shouldn't come at a cost. Our mission is to democratize financial analysis, giving every investor the insights they need to make informed decisions about their portfolio.

Our Story

FolioWise was born from a simple idea: that everyone deserves access to high-quality financial analysis tools. Our team of finance experts and software engineers came together to create a solution that brings professional-grade portfolio analysis to your fingertips, free of charge.

Join thousands of investors who are gaining deeper insights into their portfolios with Foliowise. Start your journey to smarter investing today!